
NopalCyber is 100% focused on delivering state-of-the-art cybersecurity services purpose-built for small and midsized businesses. Expertly managed cybersecurity that is affordable, high value, painless, and without compromise.




records exposed in 2021

Days to detect


from compromise

Days to remediate


from identification to containment

Average cost of breach


$4.24 million


While managed cybersecurity remains out of reach for the majority of SMBs, cyberattacks are increasingly sophisticated and specifically targeting small and medium size businesses (SMBs) who don’t possess the resources to develop inhouse cybersecurity defenses or pay for traditional managed services subscriptions. Ideal targets for ransomware extortion, nearly 70% of SMBs report experiencing cyberattacks.

Unfortunately, the advent of ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) has made extorting your business exceptionally easy and profitable. Even for unsophisticated cybercriminal who can purchase RaaS for as little as $50.00/month. They entrap employees with phishing/vishing strategies and exploit vulnerable endpoints to penetrate your network and lockup your critical information while you scramble for bitcoin to pay up.

Developing effective in-house cybersecurity defenses require significant capital outlays to establish needed infrastructure to create a 24/7 Security Operations Center (SOC), as well as annual investment in expert (read highly paid) personnel, technology, and expertise. Unfortunately, traditional managed security providers can be costly, lack transparency, and often only pass along the constant security alerts to be validated, prioritized, and responded to by your internal IT staff (creating “alert fatigue”).

The challenge of defending against unlimited threats with limited budget can seem insurmountable.

  • Expanding end points (WFH)
  • Cloud security complexity
  • Limited resources
  • Experts are difficult to find (if you can afford them)
  • Lack of visibility: no real-time single source of truth providing visibility of your true Cyber risk
  • Difficult to know what to focus on and prioritize
  • A flooded security product and service market
  • Lack of transparency in services and cost
  • Complicated pricing models and budget uncertainty

NopalCyber solves these challenges with next generation technology bundled with cybersecurity services that is affordable, easy to consume, and designed specifically for small and medium sized businesses.


NopalCyber offers holistic cyber defense, strategic offense, and advisory services powered by leading-edge technology platforms, 24/7/365 SOC, and the expertise of highly skilled cybersecurity professionals. We acquire real-time actionable intelligence, and benchmarking data to continuously evaluate your cyber-defense’s true efficacy to detect but prevent cyberattacks and unauthorized access to your systems.

Managed Extended Detection and Response (MXDR)

NopalCyber executes managed extended detection and response that is calibrated to your unique (and industry-specific) risk profile and operationalized to meet your business objectives. Implementing strong defense, NopalCyber establishes unified visibility and 24/7 multi-signal monitoring to quickly detect and contain threats.

Our cloud-native next-generation platform combines Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) leveraging AI to capture event data from your total IT infrastructure (Cloud & Hybrid) and comprehensively correlates all events. This allows us to detect and alert on unusual and suspicious behavior by users and other entities.

Also our End-point Detection and Response (EDR) solution along with the Network Traffic Analysis (NTA) module is integrated with Security Orchestration, Automation and Response (SOAR) platform to monitor, analyze, and prioritize potential threats with real-time response to thwart these attacks and immediately implement remediation actions when necessary.

Attack Surface Reduction

The accelerated digital transformation and increasingly distributed workforce have transformed the once hardened security perimeter into an ever-expanding attack surface. One that now includes WFH, “shadow” IT, IoT devices, and other vulnerable devices targeted by cybercriminals to penetrate your network and gain access to your corporate assets.

Utilizing more than defensive measures, NopalCyber deploys strategic offensive measures to identify vulnerabilities across traditional devices as well as dynamic IT assets such as mobile devices, virtual machines, and Cloud to provide full visibility and contextual awareness to keep you safe. Actively testing for vulnerabilities, NopalCyber performs regular MITRE ATT&CK® aligned breach attack and ransomware resilience tests, pen testing (PT), and performs regular vulnerability scans to effectively mitigate risk with a combination of human ingenuity and AI-powered automation.

Advisory Services

An integral part of our cybersecurity services from the initial assessment of your security posture forward, NopalCyber Advisory services work to make certain that everything we do to safeguard your company is aligned to your business objectives, operational environment, and regulatory requirements.

To help you get – and stay – battle ready NopalCyber consultants, analysts, and engineers, will, among other things:

  • Review/create policy & procedure
  • Review security architecture
  • Assess cloud security posture
  • Perform ransomware resiliency checks
  • Perform breach and attack simulations (BAS) and Penetration Testing (PT)
  • Assess vendor security hygiene
  • Create a Security Incident Response Plan (SIRP)
  • Develop a cybersecurity maturity roadmap

Going forward, and through the life of the engagement, NopalCyber consultants – acting as your virtual CISO, will work to achieve continuous and effective oversight and governance of your security.


Even the largest organizations with massive budgets find cybersecurity challenging. Building and maintaining a Security Operations Center (SOC) in-house can be prohibitively costly, requiring major capital outlays and continuous investment in people and technology to sustain operations. For SMBs with limited resources, outsourcing SOC operations and security governance to managed security service providers (MSSPs) may address some obstacles but can come with challenges of their own.

Too often there are cost uncertainties with traditional MSSPs, and MSSPs often do not provide the full spectrum of services you need: often requiring you to have expert (read expensive) cybersecurity staff in house. Complicated pricing models, surprise fees, limited services – and bundling of obscure services you don’t need – are endemic.

Now there are literally tens of thousands of cybersecurity firms, MDR services seeking to improve on the MSSP model. So, how do you choose one?

NopalCyber is architected to address these challenges and purpose-built for the SMB community. Our mission is to provide right-sized, scalable cybersecurity with budget predictability that is tailored to your business’ needs.

NopalCyber is purpose-built to provide affordable, high value, easy to consume, and quick to deploy cybersecurity programs for small and midsized businesses without compromise.

NopalCyber pricing is straight forward and transparent. You know exactly what to expect. No surprises.

NopalCyber services are customized to your specific cybersecurity risks within the context of your business goals and compliance mandates.

Competent, trustworthy, and easy to do business with you can speak to a NopalCyber security expert or dedicated account managers any time.

NopalCyber Beacon delivers a single windowpane of truth providing 360° real-time visibility into your cybersecurity posture.


Available on mobile devices – accessible anytime and anywhere – Beacon delivers a real-time overview of your risk posture status, high-priority alerts, and NopalCyber performance metrics.

Presenting easy-to-scan information, it is designed to be valuable to both technical staff as well as non-technical stakeholders who don’t typically access the client portal.

Quickly view your security posture risk rating, cybersecurity and ransomware resiliency scores, alerts, event metrics, and curated threat intelligence updates. Beacon also displays NopalCyber’s operational performance KPIs such as times-to-detect, respond, and resolve.